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Sweep Picking Book

Here’s your chance to learn this musical technique that has impressed audiences all over the world!

Guitar Technique Mastery: Sweep Picking is the ultimate resource for learning lightning-fast lines on the guitar. Imitating the method he used to develop his technique, Edoardo Taddei shows you how sweep picking can add intensity to any guitarist’s arsenal. The musical examples in these pages will guide you in turbocharging your lines! Additionally, all musical examples in the book are demonstrated with included audio and video files.

By working logically through rudiments and musical examples, this book is accessible to guitarists of all levels. You’ll start with simple two-string sweeping patterns and work your way to gliding your pick across all six strings.

This book includes:

• 28 exercises for building sweep picking technique on any number of string groupings
• 21 etudes demonstrating concepts in a musical context
• Transcriptions from 3 of Edoardo’s songs
• Audio and video demonstrations for all of the musical examples in the book